LITE-SOIL products are now also available in BauWelt Koch OBI stores!
LITE-SOIL products are now also available in BauWelt Koch OBI stores! 4 in beautiful Burgenland (STOOB-SÜD, MATTERSBURG; EISENSTADT, NEUSIEDL) and 2 in beautiful Lower Austria (BAD DEUTSCH-ALTENBURG, MISTELBACH)
pool + garden with the GALABAU association
pool + garden with the GALABAU association as an exhibitor with our water-saving products for all kinds of plants!
LITE-SOIL Newsletter March 2024: Visit us at the German Tree Care Days in Nuremberg!
Visit us at the German Tree Care Days in Nurenberg! https://www.deutsche-baumpflegetage.de/ We are exhibitors and you can view the following products: LITE-NET TREE – extremely water-storing and conductive growth network & distribution network LITE-STRIPS – Water...