LITE-NET Standard PP

The water distribution net

Durable drainage net made of thick nonwoven.

The LITE-NET, which is installed root-deep in the soil, works like a net of water veins It distributes air and water over a large area at the root level and serves as a water reservoir for plants.

If required, all the water is available to the roots, as the open net structure allows roots to grow through it without any problems and dock onto the nonwvoven all around. This also makes a very flexible, 3-dimensional installation possible. The 5 mm thick basic version stores up to 7 l of water per m².

The permanent variants of water reservoirs for plants are used, for example, as distribution components in underground irrigation, as well as in sports fields, green roofs, tree pit inserts, vineyards, lawns, slope greening and in filter basins


Lawns, green roofs, athletic fields, slopes

Place the LITE-NET pulled apart and add soil over it to root depth (approx. 10 cm for lawns). Ideally mixed with LITE-STRIPS.

For private orders visit our online shop

Additional information


Roll C20

LITE-NET Standard PP
C20 = Cut 20 cm
Meshes = Ø13 cm




5 mm

Order sizes

28 m²= 1.75 x 16.3 m, 3 pcs á 28 m²= 1.75 x 16.3, 57 m²= 3.5 x 16.3 m, 85 m²= 5.2 x 16.3 m