LITE-STRIPS Bio1 Cellulose

The water storage for plants close to the roots

LITE-STRIPS Bio1 are 100 % biodegradable, 7 cm long strips of nonwoven that are simply mixed into the substrate. Up to 90% of the nonwoven volume can be filled with water and thus help plants through longer dry periods. 1 kg LITE-STRIPS Bio1 store up to 10 l of plant-available water.

LITE-SOIL has received the “Natur im Garten” Seal of Approval from Nature in the Garden for LITE-STRIPS Bio1 2.5L.



    • Water only half as often
    • Stores water directly at the roots
    • Substrate improvement
    • Sustainable greening
    • Simple and easy installation
    • Loosened and better aerated soil
    • Ideal substitute for peat
    • Low weight
    • Optimal supply of plants with water & air

Since water storage for plants is located directly near the roots, plants can access the water more easily and effectively when needed, extending watering intervals. The elongated LITE-STRIPS absorb water from the surface to the roots, make dense soil more permeable and function as a substrate improver.

The LITE-STRIPS Bio1 are made of cellulose fibres and are 100% biodegradable after approx. 1-2 years. They are intended as support in the vegetation phase or for 1-year-old plants.


LITE-SOIL has received the "Natur im Garten" Seal of Approval from Nature in the Garden for LITE-STRIPS Bio1 2.5L!

The "Natur im Garten" quality seal is an orientation aid for environmentally conscious people who want to use ecologically safe garden products. On the website of "Natur im Garten" ( all currently approved products that are suitable for nature gardens are listed. They are a quick source of information for individuals and professionals.

Garden products are checked according to strict criteria. The "Natur im Garten" quality seal complies 100% with the criteria and guidelines of the EU Organic Regulation and is, therefore, a guarantee of ecological quality of garden products. All garden products meet the three basic criteria of "Natur im Garten": no synthetic chemical pesticides, no synthetic chemical fertilizers and no peat.

Areas of application and installation instructions

Trees & bushes: Mix approx. 10-20 l per tree into the soil. LITE-STRIPS can be perfectly combined with LITE-NET.

Raised planting beds & plant troughs: For plant troughs mix about 5-10% of the volume into the soil, for raised planting beds about 5-10l/m². You need to water less often, plants get water even in dry periods or holidays.

Athletic fields, flower beds, lawns, slopes: Mix approx. 0.5-1.0 l LITE-STRIPS per m² into the soil root-deep, e.g. using a rake.

Turf: Mix approx. 0.5 l per m² of LITE-STRIPS into the top 10 cm of soil.


Up to

50 l
(2,5 kg)
1 m3
(100 m² lawn)
60 l
(3 kg)
1,2 m3
(120 m² Rasen)
250 l
(12,5 kg)
5 m3
(500 m² Rasen)
1000 l
(50 kg)
20 m3
(2000 m² Lawn)

For private orders visit our online shop

Additional information



1-2 years

Order sizes

1 m³ BB, 250 L Box, 5 x 50 L Box, 60 L Box


6 mm