Slopes Vegetation aid and erosion control The LITE-NET is ideal for slope greening and as erosion protection. For the initial growth phase they are laid above ground, for permanent use they are laid underground. – Tender text: permanent slope and underground...
Green roofs
Green roofs Extra light water storage For green roofs, an important feature of LITE-STRIPS and LITE-NET comes to the fore: their very low weight. According to research conducted by the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU),...
Agriculture Save water with underground irrigation By installing our cost-effective BLUELITE-NET irrigation system underground (see page 7), there is no evaporation loss, UV damage, surface felting, damage caused by bites or vandalism. Due to the targeted supply close...
Raised planting beds & troughs
Raised planting beds & troughs Less frequent watering by means of water storage close to the roots For raised planting beds and planting pots, about 5-10% by volume of the extremely water retentive LITE-STRIPS is mixed into the soil. This improves the mixture and...